Arts and Crafts Donation for Children | Giving Back | Art-n-Fly

Giving back

Giving back to the community Arts and Crafts donation for children


Giving back to the community is a very important aspect of who we are. We look to donate art supplies to programs that need them but have a hard time affording them. First on our list are obviously programs for disadvantaged children but we are also open to any worthy program no matter the age.

When choosing who to donate to we have 3 things that are really important to us:

1) The supplies are genuinely needed

2) The supplies will be well used and not just taken because they are offered and collect dust on a shelf or in a drawer somewhere

3) The validity of the program is easily verifiable by a 3rd party

In 2017 we were able to donate thousands of sets of art supplies to different programs across the country and this year, 2018, we hope to do even better. 

If you know of any program or organization that might be a good fit for us please contact us at and we will gladly look into it.

No promises though because remember, we are a small company and have a very limited amount we can help with.

Thank you!